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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ujian Daiwa Alphas + Braided Power Pro Line

Daiwa alphas 103L dipadankan dengan tali sulam.....

Power Pro - Proven Power (moss green)
- 15lb
(betul2 muat dengan spool daiwa)
* spool daiwa alphas yang berbentuk V ini menyebabkan aku berasa hairan, tali yang disusun adalah berbentuk spool iaitu V....akan tetapi, ketika hampir penuh taliannya disusun secara mendatar....bagai ia boleh berlaku?

Ujian di Air Kuning

Aku mencuba peralatan casting aku di sini, pada keadaan air yang keruh begini adalah tidak efisen untuk casting

Rod - Shimano Bassterra
Reel - Daiwa Alphas 103L

Ini adalah kali pertama aku menggunakan tali sulam untuk memancing. Padanan mesin Baitcaster dengan tali sulam memudahkan balingan dan kelancaran aksi. Jauh berbeza dengan penggunaan tali mono.
Dengan kehadiran teknologi breake MagForce V daiwa, ianya bertindak efisen dengan mengelakkan terjadinya birdnest/meehon.....begitu baik sekali tindakbalas sistem breake MagForce V daiwa ini dikala spool berpusing dengan laju atau perlahan....amat berbeza dengan Banax Zest yang aku pakai selama ini. Dengan bentuknya lebih kecik,tegap dan ringan bagi aku daiwa alphas sangat berbaloi aku milikinya. Ermmm bagaimana la seorang beginner seperti aku memakai mesin yang baik?hehehe aku perlu lebih latihan untuk memahirkan penggunaan mesin ini.

Aduhhhhhhhhh.....inilah kali pertama aku mengalami birdnest/meehon tahap dewa, bukan kerana kegagalan reel atau cara balingan aku.....tetapi berpunca dari kecuaian aku semasa baling gewang. Gewang tersangkut dipucuk pokok, memang teruk kali ini. Tali terpaksa dipotong.

Rupanya tali sulam ini akan luntur warnanya apabila digunakan.

*Perhatikan betul2 pada tali sulam....ia sudah bertukar kepada hijau cerah

Kesimpulan - sukar untuk aku jelaskan setup peralatan aku ini memandangkan aku seorang beginner....cuma dapat disimpulkan, best memang best sedapppppppppppppp

Lombong sekitar tambun

Lombong di sekitar tambun....spesis yang ada tilapia, haruan, ntah ikan apa berwarna merah dan lain2....

Akibat dari suhu panas yang melampau sejak kebelakangan ini, balik dari memancing di kawasan lombong ni aku demam.....memang panas betul perubahan cuaca sekarang

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Upgrade your reel, more tough and light

Serba-sedikit product2

Bassart in action

Serba sedikit product2

Studio Ocean Mark in action

Tapi harap maklum....harga nyer perghhh boleh tangkap sebiji lagi reel

TackleTour's 2005 SuperCast Championship : The Daiwa Millionaire I'ZE Light vs The Shimano Conquest 101DC

tackletour telah membuat uji diantara
The Daiwa Millionaire I'ZE Light vs The Shiman
o Conquest 101DC

Total Score: I'ZE Light 103L 9.08

Conquest 101DC 9.08

Our Daiwa Millionaire I'ZE Light 103L mounted on a Megabass F4-610XDti Elseil

Our Shimano Conquest 101DC mounted on a Megabass F4-610XDti Elseil

Mechanics versus Technology: Daiwa's Type-R+ Magnetic Brake Control (left) system versus Shimano's Digital Brake Control (right)

Conclusion: Does it get any closer than this? With a clear winner in only one category and the five other categories decided with a slight "edge", the actual category split between these reels was right down the middle! It almost comes down to a true "pick'em" decision and if it weren't for a couple of intangible characteristics on one of these reels, we may have concluded our shootout in that manner. What are those intangibles? Only one of these two reels is a standard, non-limited edition reel - easily acquired (relatively speaking) and available, presumably, for years to come. What's more, this one reel just happens to come with a nice, neoprene reel cover to help protect it from abuse during transport and storage. The other reel, despite its price tag, does not. Oh yes, and did we actually go the entire article without mentioning this reel's hypnotic whistle during a cast? The winner of our 2005 TackleTour SuperCast Shootout is the Conquest 101DC for its superior ergonomics, "everyday" availability, bonus reel cover, and spellbinding whistle. While the Shimano wins this shootout overall, both reels are awarded our 2005 Ultimate Enthusiast Award for demonstrating supreme performance, detailing, and true "collectibility."

Mereka di tackletour telah membuat perbandingan, jadi terpulang kepada anda untuk menilainya.....

Penerangan teknologi Digital Control (DC) Shimano

Dilaman ini ada penerangan mengenai Digital Control Shimano

Shimano DC digital controlled brake system

Conquest DC (digital control) has computer controlled brake system, which achieves optimum brake performance by sensing the reel condition at 1/1000 sec. The DC brake lets spool have about twice max speed (over 30,000rpm) than conventional brake system (centrifugal system, 15,000-18,000rpm), and allow longer casting distance. You may add about 20-40% casting distance to other marketed bait casting reels in real fishing situations.

Shimano high-end bait caster, Antares/Calais combined with the DC digital control brake system make it the very best.

The DC brake system has been proven to offer the longest casting distance, since the release of Conquest DC in 2003. The Antares DC has the improved 4x8 DC system to have 4 casting modes(L, M, A and W) and 8 strength of fine adjusting, which is adjustable by dial without opening the reel.

The 4 modes set the brake to appropriate for various casting situations.
bullet Long casting (L); Achieving the longest casting distance with relatively heavy, metal rigs in calm wind condition.
bullet Multi (versatile) casting (M); The mode is the most likely to be used among the 4 modes. Suite the best for top water, crank baits, spinner baits and etc.
bullet Accuracy casting (A); Brake force is the strongest among 4 modes, offering stable brake tension. Useful for pitching and skipping.
bullet Windy casting (W); Allow the best casting in winds from ahead. Great for bulky, light baits as well.

Left is the spool speed at "long casting mode: Min" of DC reel. DC system allow the spool to accelerate up to +30,000 rpm, then applies effective brake to prevent birdsnest. The computer helps you cast over 80 yards easily. DC reels are operated by self power generator installed in the spool. No battery is needed.

Fuish komplek sungguh Digital Control ni......pikir-pikirkan lah

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bercerita tentang BaitCaster Roundreel

Bagaimana pula dengan mesin Roundreel ini?

Sekiranya ada rezeki lebih, aku mengutamakan Roundreel berjenis Shimano Calcutta Conquest DC....tetapi harganya lepas sebiji motosikal.....ermmmm


Shimano Conquest 101 DC Specifications

Line Capacity (lbs / yds) 10/135
Gear Ratio (actual retrieve) 5.8:1 (23 inches per turn)
Measured Weight 8.4 oz
Measured Max. Drag 4+ lbs
Bearings 10 + 1
Features Digital Control Braking System, Duralumin Spool, MicroAdjust Cast Cap & Drag Star, ARB Bearings
Upgrades ZPI Carbon Handle + Shimano Septon Ball Bearing Knobs
MSRP ~$550
Cost of Upgrades $70
Total Market Value of Test Model $620

Kalo rezeki pun tercungap RoundReel daiwa juga boleh.....
daiwa luna

Feel the heft—the solid feel of precision. Make a cast—absolutely awesome! These are Daiwa’s finest traditional-shaped baitcasters, built for those heavy cover and open water top-of-the-food-chain fish that demand heavier line and heavier muscle—fresh or saltwater.
Team Daiwa® Luna™ Features:
  • Frame and sideplates machined from solid bar stock aluminum
  • Five CRBB Super Corrosion Resistant Ball Bearings, plus roller bearing
  • Free-Floating Spool for maximum casting performance
  • Magforce®-Z automatic magnetic anti-backlash control (Centriflex automatic centrifugal system on 300 size)
  • Ultra-smooth, multi-disc drag with Daiwa’s exclusive fiber composite and stainless washers
  • Infinite Anti-Reverse
  • Dura-Loc™ pinion for solid gear engagement
  • Rugged, six-point drive train support
  • Machined aircraft aluminum spool
  • Cut proof Titanium Nitrided stainless steel line guide
  • Spool click on 300 size
  • Hard anodized to resist corrosion

Serba sedikit review daiwa alphas di

The tiny Daiwa Alphas makes every effort be extremely ergonomic and lightweight, notice the cut away slots in the front plate, and low profile design


Daiwa Alphas base Specifications

Weight (lab measured) 6.4oz (6.6oz)
Gear Ratio (actual retrieve) 5.8:1 (22 inches per turn)
Bearings 6 Ball Bearings + 1 Roller Bearing
Line Capacity (lb/yds) 12/100
Additional Features MagForceV Cast Control, Duralumin Spool, CRBB (corrosion resistant ball bearings)
MSRP $265.00 (Approx. import price)

harga terbaru yang disurvey sekitar ipoh sudah mencecah RM1200-1400 kenaikan yang mendadak.....tapi kena pandai cari lubang, yang tu harga kedai cekik darah

The Alphas bears many familiar top notch Daiwa features like MagForceV and top notch aluminum construction but the unique iridescent finish is exclusive


Daiwa Alphas Ratings (?/10)

Construction/Quality Solidly crafted with the only detraction being the stamped metal dragstar 9
Performance Perfectly tuned out of the box with an astonishing 5lbs (2.25kg) of max drag pressure. Smooth silky retrieve with effortless casting. Only minor deduction is for the lack of refinement in the drag adjustment 9.5
Price Priced a little high for an aluminum framed reel. Daiwa is in the process of releasing US variants which, while not identical, will be easy to buy locally 8
Features Standard 80mm length handle, lightweight duralumin spool, MagForceV cast control system. Throw in a micro-click adjustable drag and this reel would be perfect 9
Design (Ergonomics) Super low profile and height in the reel seat, unique, iridescent finish, cut outs in the front plate for weight savings, and a standard length handle 9.5
Application First impressions lead one to believe that this is a finesse reel only, but don't let that fool you, this reel is as versatile as they come 9

Total Score


Pluses and Minuses:

Plus Minus

J Very light for an aluminum reel L Lack of refined micro-click adjusting drag
J Strong drag for a finesse reel
J MagForce V cast control
J Attractive Iridescent finish

The Daiwa Alphas is as versatile and capable as any reel I’ve used. Just about perfect right out of the box, it makes a great reel for casting as well as pitching any number of different baits. Whether you’re only out for a couple of hours or on the water from sun up to sun down, it is comfortable and light enough to grasp all day long without feeling fatigued. The 5lbs maximum pressure drag helps to ensure that just about anything you hook with this reel will soon be in your net and within your grasp. It is truly a remarkable little reel – emphasis being on the “little”.

ok semoga review dari memuaskan hati anda
got to :

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mengapa BaitCaster mempunyai pengarau kiri dan kanan?

Aku pun pada asalnya keliru dengan penggunaan karauan kiri atau kanan pada baitcaster.....
Sesetengah pemancing yang bertangan kanan akan memilih karauan kanan.

Bagi aku yang bertangan kanan ianya agak ganjil. Mesin baitcaster ini aku pakai karauan kiri. Tiada cadangan, cuma aku menyatakan ianya mengikut kesesuaian pengguna. Tetapi harga dan mesin karauan kiri ini susah dijumpa dan harganya agak mahal sedikit

Tutup Kamus BaitCaster Low Profile

Mengapa aku berkata begitu? Adakah penggunaan baitcaster yang remeh menyebabkan aku mengalah? Tidak sama sekali.........

Sebenarnya aku telah menyukai penggunaan baitcaster untuk teknik karauan. Setelah lama aku membuat kajian, mencari mesin baitcaster yang terbaik akhirnya aku memilih untuk menggunakan DAIWA ALPHAS 103L

Fakta yang menyokong kenapa aku harus membeli daiwa series ini :


Enthusiast Reel Review (Comparison)
Perbandingan di antara Daiwa Alphas dan Shimano Scorpion MG

Most advanced brake systems
Rujuk web ini :
website ini memberi penerangan terperinci mengenai sistem break yang terdapat pada baitcaster.....

Secara amnya, dapat disimpulkan


From this study, I conclude Mag Force V and Z system of Daiwa is the most advanced brake system currently available. What makes it the most advanced is the ability to address the requirements at all speed ranges, and relatively wide adjusting range at middle speed. The Flying Arm, IVCB comes to the second, a little a head of 4x4 SVS, because of continuous adjusting range. Shimano's SVS, Conventional magnet, Combination of magnet and centrifugal will come next. Although SVS is very refined system, troubles of changing setting is a large drawbacks. If you don't cast against wind, SVS will come close to 4x4 SVS though. This conclusion doesn't immediately mean that the reel with Mag Force V is the best fishing reel. Performances of casting reels are affected by more factors, like inertia of spool, smoothness of ball bearings, stiffness of frame, weight and etc. I admit Shimano's SVS casts very well in normal conditions, and I love it. Hope this help you understand the differences of brake systems and find the best performing reel to you.

Speed: Slow: Middle: High: Comment
Requirements little brake widely adjusting less brake  
Objectives of requirements Pitching, flip casting Prevent birds nest Long cast  

Centrifugal Great Bad (Non-adjustable) Fair  
SVS Great Fair* Fair* Middle and high doesn't co-exist
4x4 SVS Great Good* Fair* Middle and high doesn't co-exist
Conventional magnet Bad Great Good  
Ultra Mag Bad Great Great* The only system addresses high speed
Combo Centri+Mag Bad Great Fair(-)* Centrifugal adds more brake at high speed.
Mag Force V Great Good Good BEST
Flying Arm, IVCB Great Good* Fair* Middle and high doesn't co-exist


daiwa mengungguli sistem break baitcaster. Walaubagaimanapun, shimano telah mengeluarkan sistem DC(digital control) yang mana iainya lebih komplek dan detail......jadi, adakah kesimpulan diatas boleh digunapakai?